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MP | Cardinal Tetra Profile

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

Species Name: Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) 

Cardinal Tetras are small, vibrant freshwater fish native to the Amazon Basin in South America. They are part of the Characidae family and are closely related to the more commonly known Neon Tetras. Cardinal Tetras are named for their striking colors. Their bodies are primarily bright blue, extending from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail, with a prominent horizontal red stripe running from the middle of the body to the base of the tail. The combination of electric blue and vivid red makes them one of the most popular choices among aquarium enthusiasts. 
Cardinal Tetras are found in slow-moving waters, including tributaries, small rivers, and streams within the Amazon rain forest. They prefer areas with dense vegetation and subdued lighting, mimicking their natural habitat in the wild. 
These tetras are known for their schooling behavior. They thrive in groups of six or more, providing a sense of security and reducing stress. Cardinals are peaceful and non-aggressive, making them compatible with other non-aggressive fish species in a community aquarium. 
Cardinal Tetras are omnivorous. In the wild, they primarily feed on small insects, crustaceans, and tiny invertebrates. In captivity, they readily accept high-quality flake, pellet, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp and blood worms. 
Breeding cardinal tetras can be a bit challenging due to specific water parameters needed to induce spawning. The females are rounder-bodied than males. They are egg scatterers, meaning they scatter their eggs among plants. Once the eggs are laid, adults should be removed from the breeding tank, as they may consume the eggs or fry.
Tank Requirements:
To keep Cardinal Tetras, a well-planted aquarium with subdued lighting, soft, and slightly acidic water conditions are ideal. The tank should be spacious enough to accommodate their schooling behavior. Regular water changes are essential to maintain their health and vibrant colors.
Interesting Fact:
Cardinal Tetras are sensitive to water quality, particularly changes in pH and temperature. Keeping stable water conditions is crucial to their well-being.
Remember, providing a suitable environment and proper care are essential for keeping Cardinal Tetras healthy and thriving in captivity.
OpenAI. (2023, October 12). Cardinal Tetra: Species Profile.



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