From https:glofish ® .com Species Name: Glofish Tetra ( Gymnocorymbus ternetzi ) Description: GloFish Tetras are a genetically modified variation of the common Tetra fish (usually the Black Skirt Tetra or White Skirt Tetra) that exhibit vibrant fluorescent colors. These colors are a result of a naturally occurring fluorescence gene found in certain species of jellyfish, corals, and other marine organisms, which has been inserted into the tetra's DNA. GloFish Tetras are available in various colors such as Starfire Red, Sunburst Orange, Moonrise Pink, Electric Green, Cosmic Blue, and Galactic Purple, making them highly attractive and popular in the aquarium trade. Habitat: GloFish Tetras, like their non-genetically modified counterparts, are native to South America, primarily found in the Amazon River Basin and its tributaries. They prefer slow-moving waters with dense vegetation and subdued lighting. Behavior: GloFish Tetras...