I got Mr.Rovoshki from a local goldfish breeder here in Iligan City. Initially there were five of them, which were of similar size but different colors and patterns, living in an aquarium where I used sand as substrate. Apparently, sand and goldfishes doesn't work very well (I learned of this the horrible way) and sadly enough Mr.Rovoshki was the only survivor. I temporarily housed him in a bowl with a clay pot that serves as his "man cave" and he has a little shrimp buddy to accompany him in the bowl. He's always hungry that's why whenever I go near him he's excited thinking I’m going to shower him with food.

for pearlscales the standard is: the depth of the body is greater than ⅔
of its body length. Scales are domed and has a single dorsal fin, the
other fins are paired. Its caudal fin is divided and forked, also held
above horizontal. The minimum length of the body is 2½ inch. Has nice
developed scaled all over its body and must be round, not elongated.
Hopefully in future blog post I'll be able to update you guys on Mr. Rovoshki in his new home and new pearly look. Till our next blog post, happy pet-keeping!
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Article contributors: Kayle
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