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Showing posts from February, 2015

LED lightbulbs for aquarium lighting

A few weeks ago we decided to use LED lighting on the new tank racks we had instead of using tubular fluorescent lighting. We used Unitech LED lightbulbs as they were pretty cheap and the cover was made out of plastic and is easily removed. Just a quick twist and it pops off easily. No need to damage the lightbulb and if you want to, you can just plop the cover back in. With cover Without cover Installed it to the middle rack in parallel connection with all the lights connected to one switch. Flipped on the switch and all the LED lightbulb burst to life. Been observing the lightbulbs for some time and so far the performance is good. Used to have 12-24watts of lighting per 15gallon tank but now with these energy efficient LED, its down to 3-5watts per tank. By removing the cover of the bulb it greatly reduces the glare and gives a kind of spotlight effect making it unnecessary to install hoods or reflectors. The manufacturer claims that the light produced by ...

Daphnia Magna Culture Reset | MAGS-Pets

We've been quite busy lately organizing the layout and setting up fish tanks. So busy that our daphnia culture was neglected. Due to the lack of care, when it was finally given the attention it needed, we were left with only 3 adult daphnias. Instead of giving up on the cultures, we placed the three in a small betta tank we had laying around and hoped that they would somehow reproduce. Sad to say, one of the adult daphnia died leaving only two of them swimming around the tank. The next day a new tiny daphnia emerged making them a trio once more. When checked in the evening, a number of tiny daphnias were added to the group. An exciting comeback for the long lost daphnias! Look for them at the bottom left corner of the picture below. The tiny specks of pink are them. In time we are hoping to finally release starters for you guys who are patiently waiting. Be sure to watch out for our next daphnia update! Happy pet-keeping!

MP Campbell's Dwarf Hamster Update

Good news! Finally got a reliable partner to ensure a healthy production of Campbell's dwarf hamster and hopefully in the near future, of Syrian hamsters as well. Expect new cute and fluffy friends to be available in MAGS-Pets in the coming months. In the meantime, you better start planning the design of a hamster house/mansion as we are deciding on making a contest. Keep updated on the page posts to get more info. For those who have questions regarding the care of these lovable balls of fur, please don't hesitate to leave us a PM. Happy pet-keeping!