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Showing posts from 2013

Daphnia Magna Update (Sept 2013)

     Hello there! Here’s an update on the Daphnia Magna culture I had shared with you on a previous blog post and so far there’s nothing new except for tiny daphnia magna babies sticking on the tank wall. I’d post a picture of them but the camera couldn’t capture them.     I still have the same problem with the temperature. It still is around 80°F - 85°F and hopefully it wouldn’t really affect the reproduction rate of the daphnias.      I removed the Red Cherry Shrimp recently and placed a few Ramshorn snails instead as I read that a few snails in the culture tank of daphnias would help.   The water’s a little cloudy because I just fed them dissolved yeast. You can see the tiny babies in the video. Till next time! Happy pet-keeping! MAGS-Pets

Pearlscale Goldfish Update (Sept 2013)

     About a month ago I posted about the Pearlscale goldfish I bought and promised to update when they have shown changes in their colorations and guess what, some of them already did!      This one was bronze colored and not only has it turned golden, it also has some bubbly piece of growth under both its eyes. I also have another with similar characteristics in the picture below.      I’m not sure whether they are going to grow into telescopic-eyed goldfish as I’ve never grown one before. I’ll just hope that these grow healthy so I could see how they will turn out to be in a few more months time.   Here are some of the other who have developed red markings on their big, round-bellied bodies. Sorry for the poor cam quality.        They are now transferred to a another box pond, formerly the home of my zebra danios and mollies, together with other types of goldfish mainly black moors, or...

Who’s That Pet? (September Edition-Part1) WINNER UPDATE

     Every week we try to liven up the page and host a simple guessing game. Yesterday we’ve posted another “Who’s That Pet?” (WTP) game on our page, MAGS-Pets , and compared to our previous WTP games, it’s a little more complicated thus making it more challenging for you fellow pet-hobbyists to guess. The pixelated pet photo is divided into 4 parts and a portion will be revealed everyday when nobody successfully guessed the pet. Once all for portion of the photo will be posted and no one still manages to guess it and win the title of “Pet Master” for the week, tips and hints will be given to aid you in your quest in becoming the Pet Master so stay tuned and watch out for new posts!      Try your best in guessing this week’s pet, first 2 portions of the photo is posted below. Posted on: Sept 06, 2013 Posted on: Sept 07, 2013 WINNER UPDATE! Congratulations again the Dex Ter for being our week's Pet Master! Stay tuned next week for ...

Hamster Drinking Bottles now available!

     To those who have requested for MAGS-Pets to offer hamster drinking bottles, here they are! Currently available are only 80ml bottles, blue color variant with plastic grip to attach to hamster cages and a piece of flexible wire that could be fixed to the top of the bottle and installed as a hanging bottle.      Also suitable for mice, gerbils, birds and other small-sized pets. Planning to hopefully add more accessories to our inventory like hamster wheels & play houses soon. Click here to order!

Daphnia Magna Culture

     I received the daphnia magna culture I ordered last Saturday from a great and reliable source and had a 10 gallon tank setup to try my luck in culturing these interesting critters. The culture tank has an air hose with low aeration and I even placed an aquarium thermometer to keep an eye on the water temperature of the tank. Aged pond water from my outdoor koi pond is being used as the daphnia magna culture water. I’m feeding them yeast dissolved in aged water and so far they are doing fine. It is their 4th day today and I can already observe that their numbers are multiplying, an opposite of what I got when I was trying to culture Daphnia Moina, a much smaller version of Daphnia Magna.      A problem that I currently have with my setup is that the temperature of the tank water is high compared to the recommended 65 – 70 °F. Hoping that I could somehow find a way around this. Suggestions will be highly appreciated. You can ...

Pearlscale Goldfish Part II

     About a year ago, I got my hands upon a couple of Pearlscale goldfish and it was very fun to have those cute, puffed-up fishes swimming around in the aquarium. I recently got my hands on a batch of the same type of goldfish for retailing on my online store, MAGS-Pets and imagine the fun of watching all of them together. These will still change their color, especially those plain bronze colored ones. They are placed in the small tank temporarily only for picture-taking and was returned to their much bigger sized enclosure afterwards. If they don’t all get sold, I hopefully will be posting an update on them, especially when they have developed their coloration.      This blog has been very quiet for so long and I really do wish that I can try to liven it up a bit by frequently adding up new posts. Keep an eye for future posts and please don’t hesitate to leave comments. It would really help to encourage me to write more blog posts. Till next t...

Stargrasses Error

  Live aquatic plant Stargrass is actually Dwarf Sagittaria. Just confirmed the suspicion of the error in naming with fellow planted tank hobbyists. Sorry for the error & we will be correcting our plant description soon.