Hello everyone! In this blog post we will walk you through the basic steps on how to make a glass aquarium (we will be making two 15gallon tanks with dimension 24" x 12" x 12") plus we will also be teaching you a quick, cheap, easy & hassle-free way to make a background for your tank, What you will need: Materials: Glass, Silicon tube, Masking tape, Styrofoam board, Charol plastic sheet, Shampoo (any brand), Newspapers Tools: Caulking gun, Cutter knife, Scissors, Plastic card Purchasing the glass First of all, you'll need to go to your local aluminum & glass supply shop and purchase the glass you will need for your project. Use the chart below to determine the standard dimensions of the tank you want to make (forgot the source of the chart so if you guys know kindly post it on the comments section). Making the Tank Now that we have our glass, time to get out the caulking gun and silicon tube so we can start assembling our glass...