Should we be wasting our time doing regular water change? Is it really that important? The real question here is why shouldn't we? Doing regular water changes is the basic way for ensuring that the environment our aquatic pets live in is not only aesthetically pleasing to our eyes but most important of all, is fit for the general well-being of our aquatic pets and their surroundings. Some beginners in the aquatic pet hobby think that the only reason why we need to do water change is for water clarity. A clear water as a matter of fact doesn’t mean that your tank water is clean. It is just the same as a drinking water. Being clear doesn’t mean that it is fit for drinking. It could contain harmful chemical which are not visible to the naked eye but are unhealthy for you. Filtration systems especially those high-end expensive types can help keep the tank environment in optimal condition but this doesn't mean that we no longer need to do water changes in our tank. The f...